Environment & Ecology

Our teams work across various disciplines to make a real difference in key areas such as flood prevention, energy management, and integrated transport solutions.

Our approach is three-pronged. First and foremost, we want to protect the environment for everyone’s benefit. That means responding to climate change and reducing CO2 emissions, wherever and whenever possible.

Secondly, we want to provide people, communities and commerce with the infrastructure and services they need to go about their lives and their business – efficiently of course, but also sustainably and in an environmentally-friendly way.

And thirdly, we pay close attention to the extensive and ever-changing environmental legislative requirements and obligations we have. And so do our partners and collaborators. Our environment-focused services cover:

  • Ecology
  • Strategic flood risk assessments
  • Coastal engineering
  • Infrastructure for renewable energy solutions
  • Integrated transport, active travel and travel planning
  • Sustainable Urban Drainage solutions (SUDs)
  • Construction waste reduction, through collaboration with design and contract management and contractor partners.
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